Joining up again with the many others for Menu Plan Monday at
Organizing Junkie. You should definitely check out her site if you haven't already for great tips on organizing and living!
Ok, so last week
I shared my meal plan and said that I would be freezing meals for Clint while Evee and I are gone (visiting his family). So, this week I thought I'd share the meals that are in the freezer and quick things that he can make with stuff that is around. The only things I'll be getting at the grocery store today are
- eggs
- milk
- bread
- laundry soap
- dishwasher soap
Ok, as for meals in the freezer and easy one's to make
- Chicken pockets
- Spaghetti pie
- Chili
- Quiche (as leftovers from dinner tonight)
- Chicken & veggies
- Eggs & toast
- Tuna melt
- Cereal :)
While I'm gone and not meal planning, I thought I'd post on Mondays about a few new meals that I'd like to try and their recipes. Then I will incorporate them into the meal plans in the first couple weeks back.
I also realized that I have a stack of coupons that will expire at the end of this month and some later. I, obviously, will not be needing them or using them since we'll be gone! So, I thought I'd give them away here.

So, if anyone wants them, please leave a comment and let me know and I'll get in touch with you about where to send them (just remember to leave your e-mail if you don't have it in your blogger profile). I would think anyone would find them useful - they are for a variety of things. Also, some are from a Whole Foods flyer awhile back and so there are some for organic foods as well. Anyway, if one person responds then I'll send them out tomorrow to them. If any others respond, Evee and I will just draw a number out of a hat. Not sure how many of you are coupon users :). Either way, they'll be in the mail tomorrow, so make sure to let me know today or in the morning!
Hi my name is Belle and I am becoming addicted to coupons- so if no one else wants them I would love to have them.
Did someone say coupons!!! I'd love a chance
Hi, I follow you on Twitter (I'm mc_cupcake), but didn't realize you had a blog until you posted this today. I love coupons too, so throw my name in the hat!