Friday, January 22, 2010

Warm Showers

I am thankful for showers - not rain showers, but the showers I take each morning.

And even though our shower is pink, gets moldy easily (sorry to admit that here, but...), and the temperature can be very unpredictable from one moment to the is hot, has good water pressure, and is relaxing.

I am thankful because I know that a hot, nice shower with plenty of water is truly a luxury and not available in every place.  So, this morning, when I'm feeling a little off and needed a warm shower for a time, I am thankful.


  1. Ah, I agree! A warm shower with good water pressure IS something to be thankful for.

    Our friends here in Budapest asked me what surprises we found in our flat after the first day. One of mine was the nice hot shower with great water pressure :) definitely something to be thankful for.
