As for food, I ended up making brownies in muffin tins - some in cupcake tins that I had, but most just in the pans. It worked out well because we didn't have to cut them or anything. Then I just made chocolate sauce, we had caramel sauce, and got ice cream. I also made our homemade popcorn and got apples and sliced them up. Lemonade, coffee, and it was all set! Very easy to serve and worked out well!
I don't have any pictures from the party, yet, but I have pictures of the apron I made her and the craft box I put together with a lot of random things - paper, crayons, scissors, water color paints, stickers, buttons, fabric, glue... Now
I'm working on making a blanket from unused fabric we had lying around. Then, it will be her "craft blanket", so I don't have to worry about paint going everywhere. I think it will be easier than having her stay at the table. I should have it done sometime this week! I'll make sure to post pictures.
Jamie, you did such a great job! So creative! Love the apron. And, the craft blanket is a great idea. Can't wait to see you all!