Friday, February 27, 2009

3 Big Questions...Question #1

A bit ago, I wrote about Patrick Lencioni's book 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family. Did you get a chance to head over and check the overview of this book at my mom's blog? If not, take a minute to go there now.

So, today I wanted to hit on the books first question - What makes your family unique?

Again, my mom has described this question well and has shared what their "statement"/2-3 sentences are. You can find that here.

And, my little confession is this - we haven't actually done this step/question (sheepish smile). Right after we both read it, I went through all the questions for my business. Then, I was ready to do them for our home/family. So, Clint and I sat down to work through them. I can't remember the day exactly, but I just know we didn't have a lot of time. We said that we'd just do that one another time.

I'm not recommending this because I think it is so beneficial and believe that we will do it! But, we just haven't yet. Once we have it down, I'll try to remember to share it.

We do have questions 2 and 3 written out, so when I post about those I'll make sure to share! I will still refer you to my mom's blog, but will have more to share here as well.

Either way, I could still share what it was for me personally (in line with my business).

Lencioni encourages readers to write out in list format anything that is true about them. From that list, write 2-3 sentences/statements that create the answer to question #1. It was interesting to write a list and see where there are obvious unique points since they come out in different ways.

I did write out a list of bullet points for me/my business and what makes me/it unique. I think this is a great exercise for each family as well as person or business. So, if anyone is curious and wants to know Question #1 for me/my business stuff, here it is (note: he does not say that it has to be perfect or gramatically correct or anything like that :)) -

I am an empathetic person who gets very passionate about what I'm learning or doing. I believe in being frugal in all things (meals, crafts, household stuff, purchases, etc.). I hold up peace and simplicty and am organized, tidy, and strive to save time so that I can focus on tasks and people. I know that Jesus Christ is true peace.

1 comment:

  1. Great uniqueness statement Jamie! That definitely describes you!
