Thursday, July 7, 2011

good bye

In the midst of packing, cleaning, pink eye (both girls), citizenship appointments, loading and unloading...we have moved out of our 3 year long seminary apartment.  I don't know quite where to begin or if I should.

Even in the midst of mold, insects and generally wondering if we'll all have long term health affects because of seminary apartments, I have loved most every moment within the confines of the space.  3 years have seemed to go by much too quickly.  I don't believe that words, beyond what I've previously shared, can do much justice for all I feel for this time and the people that came into our lives because of it. 

As much as these pictures make me both happy and sad, and even though I'd love for a few others to be captured here... these pictures of "the last days" will have to suffice...

It's been lovely.