Monday, May 2, 2011

I sit at Clint's desk.  He's out for a run. 
I think music might help get the dishes done. 
There is a dull crying.  Overly tired Iris tries to sleep. 
I pick a happy song. 
Instead of feeling motivation I slump in his chair. 
There is the crying, the dishes, the chores for this day. 
And I am tired. 

We turn a corner. 
I put on the whole soothing album. 
I put on the hot water. 
The crying has subsided. 
Evee is quietly coloring and I will do the dishes.
The tasks will most likely be accomplished.
Thankful for the quiet peace of this moment...if only for a moment. 

I sit to type up this post. 
I read the latest post from my sweet brother. 
My brother and his wife who lost their baby just over a month ago. 
Words fail me to leave a comment. 
The pain, grief, sorry, anger is not known to me. 

I remember that life is a gift.  That gift has been stolen too soon, too early for them. 
And life hurts. 
I'm sorry...the only words that always come to mind. 
And somehow I see perspective in the hurting of others, with others. 
Peace.  It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.       (unknown author)

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