Thursday, January 27, 2011


Clint ran a marathon.

We started the day at 4am.  After going to bed late 2 nights before and traveling across the country.  Too early.  I can't say that I was thrilled, though I wanted to be there.  The finish of what we'd started months ago.  In a small sense, it was a family commitment.

Over the months the girls and I had driven around to drop off drinks or gu along the road on the longer runs.  We've spent Saturday mornings cheering Clint on as he ran for hours.

The plan was to leave Evee back with my sister.  She woke up at 4:30 and wanted to be with the family.  I figured it was meant to be.  The girls transferred to the car, pajamas and all.

We traveled to the starting point a half hour away.  We arrived and Clint got ready to run.  He talked about being nervous but ready (he hoped).

Evee, Iris and I walked him to the start and then headed back to the car to drive to our cheering area.  Evee asked questions about why people we wearing trash bags (I'm still not sure) and about all the runners.

As we got in the car I heard the "star spangled banner" being sang and felt kind of bad that Clint had to start his run with that in his head.  :)

We arrived at the spot where we could cheer Clint on at 3 different miles - 5, 13 and 15.  I could have cried (and kind of did) as I watched the first runners come through...and then again every time I cheered, made eye contact with a runner or saw a group making the trek together. 

I loved being there with the girls.  I loved being in it together as a family (as Evee pointed out).  I loved grabbing coffee between miles 16 and 26.  I loved all the cheering on and that people worked at something and accomplished it.

It was worth getting up early for. 

Clint ran.  He ran well.  3 hours and 33 min to run those 26+ miles.  He is amazing. 

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