Thursday, November 11, 2010

the everyday

Oh how sad to miss the beauty of the everyday.  We end up missing life.

The balance is planning and thinking ahead for the future while staying present in the now.  While we look ahead to where we will be, what we will do, and how it all comes about today I will be.  Be now which creates who I am then. 

And not getting caught in the mundane or frustrating points - which I so easily do.  If I'm not going to do anything to change them or seemingly can't do anything to change them, I might as well see the beauty that might lie in those situations. 

So I will see.  I will choose and strive to see.

I am noticing the little...

leaves falling
words shared
reading outside
crisp air
moments alone
night walks
night walks with a friend
cheese and crackers
good wine that's cheap
free babysitting
chocolate cake
learning and growing, even when it's ugly

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