Friday, February 5, 2010

Recipes to try out

Along with Monday's post, which came about last week, is a list of food items I want to make sure to have on hand.

Thought I'd share it there. Just in the last week since re-thinking through food/time stuff (which I find I need to do every so often) I've been less tempted to quick grab something since I know we have amazing stuff at home. I created the following list that I'm sure I already have somewhere.
  • Smoothie ingredients - 100% juice, milk or yogurt, bananas, berries and/or frozen fruit
  • Fruit - we've just been going through it so's more of a reminder to get more on the weekly trips
  • Hummus ingredients - chickpeas, lemon, garlic, sesame seeds or paste, carrots and/or pita for dipping
  • Potatoes (making "fries" verses picking them up) - potatoes, seasoning, onion
  • pb & j - so simple, so healthy if you go with the right ingredients (100% fruit jam, natural pb, and whole wheat bread)
  • Dark chocolate - over 70% has healing benefits
  • Almonds
  • Popcorn ingredients - popping corn, olive oil, salt
  • Oatmeal cookie ingredients... (not necessarily healthy, but a fun snack to have on hand)
Good stuff, right!?

Also, if you are looking to add some new recipes to your repertoire, Whole Foods has a decent recipe section/finder. You can find it here...  It has a lot of options for narrowing it down to any specifics you have too (budget friendly, vegetarian, no dairy, etc.).

1 comment:

  1. I was interested in your whole wheat bread recipe. Can you pass it my way or let me know where I could find a good one. Do you have one in your book? :)
    I have been using your templates of grocery list, meal planner and to do list lately and I love them. Makes my life way more organized and therefore peaceful. :)
