Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today and yesterday peace has come from being un-rushed.  Amazing, right?

I know it sounds silly, but I've been rushed most of my life.  I like to wait for the last minute to get one last thing done or to have a bit more time on the front side or to let Evee sleep for just 5 more minutes. 

Most of being un-rushed has been due to sickness, but it's also been due to Clint's time management skills.  It's been nice to be on my way somewhere and know that I'm not 1. running late or 2. just going to make it if all the lights are green. 

I'll have to try leaving just a bit earlier in general.  Might make me feel calmer throughout my days.  Besides, the worst thing that could happen would be that I'd actually be early to something! 


  1. Hmmm... could be you inherited this leaving at the last minute from your mother (sigh).

  2. OH no! Don't be too much of a changed woman or I won't have anyone to be late with when we're together!!! :-) Glad 2010 is off to a great start for you guys.

  3. "dear God, i know what things i should be doing right now... please help me to DO them!" jayne

    adding this comment instead of getting on the elliptical proves that i tried to fit one more thing into my moment than might be helpful - guess that means i will be pushing everything else on my list back just a little - yes, i belong to the 'barely arriving just in time' club, too!
