Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New thoughts

It is now at the close of the summer. It's hard to believe that it is the start of September today.

At the beginning of the summer I had many goals (in some ways). Relaxed goals, I should say. I wrote about being on a journey of figuring out that thing I am {perfectly} meant to do.

I have read and am reading some great books. And will continue to. It’s been a relaxing summer and I’ve had more time to think and ponder stuff.

In the end, though, as I've mentioned before, I have been taken back to other times in my life and things that I so naturally care about. Instead of getting some new revelation of what I am about, it was a reminder of who I am and how I want to be. Instead of thinking about some grand thing I can do, I'm thinking here and now...what can I do now with what I have.

Looking back now, it was just what was needed. So perfect in many ways. My mind that so easily wants to achieve is learning to relax and {be}. So, in the rhythm of moving ahead in a simpler way, here we go in to fall.

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