Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blog Details

Just notes to say...
  • First off, thanks to those who read the blog. I love the comments and e-mails!
  • I still plan on continuing some of the interviews that were started awhile back. If there is any interview topic in particular that you'd like to read, please let me know. But, either way, I do plan on having them now and again. Or, if you'd like to share your own story of where you're at and what it looks like for your family, let me know that too!
  • I'm thinking about finishing up the weeks with a peace theme - like maybe each Friday or something. Since this blog is about peace (through simplicity, frugality, and being green) I think it would be fun (and accountability) to share about the week past and the week ahead - maybe the high and low point of your peace (in whatever area) in the past week and then what you'd like for the week ahead to make it more peaceful. I realize it would take some thinking, but what a great way to "end" the weeks, don't you think? Either way, I'll share my own, but I would love to hear from you as well. I haven't decided whether to do it just in the comments or with links if people want to write it on their own blog. Thoughts?
Ok - well those are the details I wanted to share with you today!

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