Sunday, October 20, 2013

This afternoon the girls and I walked the beach. The weather is getting nicer every day. My feet have been longing to feel the sand for awhile now. It was nice to finally make that happen.

Back are the days of shoveling sand, running from waves and collecting shells. We are happy. I am dreaming of regular visits and plotting how to make them happen.

Today as I sat on the blanket - my feet in the sand, my eyes going from the pages of my book to checking on the girls as they happily played - my mind cleared a bit.

My mind has been in a funk the last couple of weeks. Not really sure how else to put it. Do you know what I mean? Like while certain thoughts have been triggered by something trivial, they linger and you realize there is something deeper going on inside. It took me a bit to actually get to the core, work through it and come out the other side. Not sure I'm there yet, but I'm surfacing.

Tonight I bake. Clint reads and writes. I find my thoughts going to gratitude. I'm thankful for this shift. And there is so much to be thankful for. Thankfulness was the kids' lesson we taught this morning at church. It has stayed with me all day.

And tonight I'm finding that in gratitude I find joy. In gratitude I find provision. In gratitude I find peace.

Good night friends.


  1. I loved this post. Honest thoughts. Love you!

  2. Thanks for this post. I think we should talk soon. I miss you.
