Wednesday, May 9, 2012

and we wait

So much of life can be waiting.  This week I have seen this.

Sure, we ourselves are waiting for things to come to pass...some significant, some little.

But, even more so, I've been thinking about this for others.  Others who wait for answers, wait for next steps, wait for babies to get healthy, wait for children to be cured, wait for babies to be conceived.

I think about this with mother's day coming up as well.  6 years ago I sat in church, listening to the best mother's day message while desperately wanting to be pregnant, tears streaming down my face, a friend holding my hand.  The quiet waiting that a woman does for a child, that is a lonely one.  Those who know that they are moms, but silently lost their baby, this is unbearable. 

I am reminded, in waiting strength can come.  In waiting hope can come.  Praying this hope, this strength for each situation.

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts.." Romans 5:5


  1. Oh Jamie. Thank you for this. Hope does not disappoint.


  2. This is beautiful Jamie. I love this idea of waiting.

  3. So well said. Thanks for sharing what's on your mind and in your heart!
    Think of you often!
    Much love,
