Monday, November 29, 2010


Tonight Iris was bouncing away in her little seat at the edge of the kitchen while I put stuff away.

Clint came up behind me and kissed my cheek.  It made a sound.

Iris laughed.

Of course, he kissed me again.
Again, a little laugh.
This went on a number of times.

Iris is just learning to laugh.  Tonight is the most I've heard it.

Clint looked at her, telling her that she was just happy to be around people.
(As you are when learning to laugh.)

That and the noise were probably what brought the new laughter.  I'd like to think that somehow, someway, maybe she might also enjoy the sight of her dad kissing her mom.  I know this is a lofty thought for a 4 month old, but still...

What my kids see in our home is important...I believe this to my core.  The interactions between Clint and I and us and them are vital to who they become, who they are and who we are.

I'm thankful for this reminder tonight.
"I think the world today is turned upside-down.  It is suffering so much because there is so little love in the home and in family life.  We have no time for our children.  We have no time for each other.  There is no time to enjoy each other, and the lack of love causes so much suffering and unhappiness in the world...So the breakdown of peace in the world begins at home."  (Mother Teresa) 

Praying for...
sweet interactions
and lots of grace
...within this home.

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