Monday, October 11, 2010

my grandparents

My dad is in town from overseas (which is worth a post itself because it's such a treat, but not what I'm posting about now).

Last night he talked with my grandma (his mom).  Their garage was burning down as she talked with him.  It's not attached to their house and they were fine within the process.  But it was scary and their car was in the garage.  And, even more importantly, my grandpa's tools were in the garage.  It was basically his workshop.

Over the course of years, my grandpa has put in so many hours out in that space.  As his grand kids, we have stood beside him as he has patiently worked on "special projects" for us.  I think of him, peacefully whistling while he thought and worked out there.  Some of the tools he used had been used by his own father and my dad and my least 4 generations.

My dad told me that my grandpa had just built a table for he and my grandma to work on their art projects (my grandma has been an artist all her life).  I know it may seem just a space as any space, but it was special and used and full of memories. 

And, I think about how we will go through easy and hard experiences our whole lives.  As my dad talked with my grandma last night I wondered how they would be positive through this.  My grandma was crying as she was on the phone with my dad, waiting for the firemen to get there, and watching their big garage burn and not be able to do anything about it.

And yet, when my dad followed up with them later my grandma was still her sweet self and my grandpa was positive.  And, it's my grandma's birthday today.  I realize, once again, that there will always be opportunities to choose how we respond. 

If I can't be content now, when can I be?
If I don't choose to see some joy, when will I?
And, for me personally - if I don't plan now, live simply now, be at peace now, love now...when can I?

Because no matter what life brings them, my grandma is still sweet and my grandpa will remain positive.  And, this I am thankful for.  And this I want to be.

Here are oldor pictures (from over a year ago) of my grandparents (with Evee, with my dad, with me).  Their garage is in the background of the last picture. 


  1. So well written Jamie! And, what a wonderful tribute to G'pa and G'ma. I have always been amazed at their positivity.

  2. Great post sis!

    It's downright heartbreaking. I'm still shocked that the shop is gone. But you're right, their response is admirable and beautiful and something I hope to remember down the road when the inevitable happens...

  3. Oh man, I'm totally devastated by the whole thing. Just thinking of the days we spent out there together working with Grandpa. It is such a huge loss. They are such a beautiful reminder of how to respond in hard situations. I praise God for them.

  4. “If I can't be content now, when can I be? If I don't choose to see some joy, when will I? And, for me personally - if I don't plan now, live simply now, be at peace now, love now...when can I?” - These wise words stuck with me. I’ll try to keep them in mind. Your grandparents are a great inspiration. It seems that whatever may come, they will only continue to see the bright side. Taneka @
